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To: President Donald Trump, The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Wanting to change this Sex Offender Conditional Discharge law, although it's an option for some they give it to whoever they want when they want. The law is not equal to everyone, and that's not fair

Why is this important?

My husband was hit with this once he was released from prison in 2011, and also made to register as a Sex Offender for the next 20 years. In the law it states you must have served your time or completed your probation whichever one is greater and then register for 20 years. Not to have 5 more years to do on a 6 year 6 month charge that he already done his time for. This is a Double Jeopardy and it's not fair to them or their family. He completed his classes for the SOTP twice. Paid for a polygraph and passed. Yes we have been affected by this, because my husband Joseph Fulz is a good honest man who deserves to try and rebuild his life. Why make him do more time than he's already done. If they wanted him to do 12 years then I feel the courts should have gave him 12 instead of 6 years and 6 months to only come home on probation. He completed his classes and was following all the rules. The reason for his violations doesn't have anything to do with the underlying offense. He was charged with 2nd degree Rape No Force, but how is it a Rape if there is not Force. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Please help us try and change the SOCD law. If he has done everything the Government request such as register, then the SOCD should be given if you become a Repeat Offender of such a crime as this. Not put you on SOCD and be a registry for 20 years if not a lifetime. We need help because I want my husband back home with his family.



2024-05-20 13:32:54 -0400

50 signatures reached