100 signatures reached
To: SUNY New Paltz Student Association
Social Pioneering Monthly charter!
I believe that Social Pioneering Monthly deserves to be a chartered club of SUNY New Paltz. Because I support this club's mission, I am a member.
Why is this important?
Unfortunately, the Council Board has denied Social Pioneering Monthly from being chartered for Spring 2016 semester because of lack of "membership.”
For those who don’t know, Social Pioneering Monthly is a monthly printed zine that is completely composed of student creative and original submissions regarding the relevant social problems of today. There is total freedom of expression and speech and opens up dialogue amongst the students. Its mission is to empower the students and spread awareness about social issues in order to encourage positive social change. We have been chartered for almost two years and have received a lot of positive feedback.
Along with several other consequences, the biggest problem is not being able to receive any funding from the school to print the issues. Membership is a vague concept, but with 212 people who signed up for email notifications, 339 Facebook group members, and 121 total submissions in the 10 issues, "lack of membership" does not seem like a fair reason to deny the club's access to funding. The fundamental requirement to be a member of Social Pioneering Monthly is only to agree and support the mission of this club.
By signing, you are saving Social Pioneering Monthly, and by doing so you are saving opportunities for people to promote positive social change.
For those who don’t know, Social Pioneering Monthly is a monthly printed zine that is completely composed of student creative and original submissions regarding the relevant social problems of today. There is total freedom of expression and speech and opens up dialogue amongst the students. Its mission is to empower the students and spread awareness about social issues in order to encourage positive social change. We have been chartered for almost two years and have received a lot of positive feedback.
Along with several other consequences, the biggest problem is not being able to receive any funding from the school to print the issues. Membership is a vague concept, but with 212 people who signed up for email notifications, 339 Facebook group members, and 121 total submissions in the 10 issues, "lack of membership" does not seem like a fair reason to deny the club's access to funding. The fundamental requirement to be a member of Social Pioneering Monthly is only to agree and support the mission of this club.
By signing, you are saving Social Pioneering Monthly, and by doing so you are saving opportunities for people to promote positive social change.