To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Social Security Benefits should be strengthened not weakened

Raising social security's retirement age is morally unfair and financially unjustified. It breaks the social contract between our government and the American people set up many years ago after the first great depression. The age requirement has been raised time and again. Formulas for calculating increases based on the cost of living adjustments have been tampered with. Yet the social security system is the only program in this country that actually pays for itself and in the long haul keeps the American economy on an even keel while giving back to the American working people what they themselves have given to the system. It cannot be labeled an "entitlement" or "give-away". And incredibly It is the one system the government has consistently tried to raid every time something goes wrong with the haywire decisions of presidents and congress. Let me see if I have this right? The US government would prefer to take from social security to pay for unprovoked immoral wars. It would prefer to subsidize wealthy corporations, profitable oil companies and bailed out banks none of which need subsidies. The American middle class are the victims in this and they are the ones who need the subsidies right now.

Please don't reduce social security benefits.

Why is this important?

Please don't reduce social security benefits.
