To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Social Security Pledge

Please Send to: Member of Congress and the Senate

Social Security Pledge

I, ________________, as a Member of Congress or the Senate Pledge to never cut Social Security. I will not lower Social Security by using a chained- CPI. I will never insult the intelligence of the United States Citizens on how the chained- CPI is more accurate for a population that is already buying the cheapest products already. I will not use any stupid statements like the following: “The Chained- CPI uses the effect of consumer substitution as people change from consuming goods that increase rapidly in price to goods with less rapid price increases.” I know that people on Disability and those whom live on only Social Security don’t have the option of buying cheaper products, because they are shopping at the Dollar Store NOW! The only way I as a Member of Congress or the Senate would think about a Chained- CPI is if it counted ALL THE PRODUCTS That the DISABILLED and OLDER Americans use, increasing their yearly income. I Pledge to NEVER tell people that can’t afford steak that they can switch to chicken. If I become of a lower intelligence and think that the Chained – CPI works I will quit the Congress or Senate, because if I am stupid enough to believe that it works then lets just say that the Brooklyn Bridge is worth 50 Trillion Dollars and now we have a surplus. Please if you can believe it works then PLEASE do this Great Nation a SURVICE and QUIT.

Name _________________, Sign here; ______________

Thank you,
Jon E.

Why is this important?

Chained- CPI
