To: Mitt Romney, President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Solar Covered Cars for Indefinite Drive Power!

The sun shines all the time, even on cloudy days. A car spends most of its time parked out side. The electric car does not need to be plugged in to charge.

Why is this important?

We The People of America want electric cars, we want to save oil and gas for other needs. Cars however can now work on Lithiam Batteries, and these can be recycled. The auto industry and big oil may take the profits for creating this idea.

Where ever you have paint on a car, that is to be built in with solar power. As you drive the battery will be charging by the sun and by the turbine. You may keep the Emergeny Electric Charge, yet because the car sits outside idle in the sun, it will always be charged.

For those men who want to hear Vaa-Roooom! and other sound effects when they push the petal to the metal, we can install sound effects, and even vibration to mimic a muscle care, or whatever sound effect you want? This will work. The cars can be any design even 18 wheel trucks. If there is not a patent for the Solar Car, I claim it was invented on 7 27 2012 by Thomas A Sutor

This is something we can implement now, it will reduce heat in traffic jams, it will reduce pollution by 99% in all cities, and it will start a revolution of new jobs that will put Americans back to work, so we may begin to re-invent our economy.

Once again, Big Oil and Auto Makers will make Billions if not Trillions while helping the Global Warming regardless of what is causing our planet to get hotter, we don't need to add Billions of heat generating motors, and exhaustion that causes cancer.

I ask you as a Registered Voter to bring this proposal and make it law. There is no need to use oil for vehicles in this day and age. Nor, will it destroy the CEO's and it could justify the Tax Cuts we give big oil because they would start to look at the long term needs of their own grand children.

I sign this petition, so it will be on the ballot of a special election to just vote on ballots that have the required number of voters signatures.