To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Solar Hot Water Mandate

We strongly urge our Governor and legislature to enact legislation to mandate the installation of solar hot water systems in all new residential construction, and when major remodels or rebuilds of existing houses are done.

Why is this important?

The state of California is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the world. Solar water heating is cheaper than gas, electric, or propane water heating, yet it is seldom incorporated into new construction. Consumers do not demand it because they do not feel qualified to evaluate the options. Builders and architects are resistant to change from existing norms for house construction, and either do not know or do not present the advantages of solar hot water to consumers. Utilities have mixed motives, since installation of solar systems reduces their sales.

Solar hot water is the right thing to do. It should be required, like grounded outlets and earthquake straps on hot water heaters.

This petition calls on the legislature to mandate the installation of solar hot water systems in all new single-family residential construction or upon major renovation or rebuilding of a residential property. This will increase income for homebuilders and solar system manufacturers, save homeowners money over the life of their houses, reduce natural gas and electrical usage, eliminate significant amounts of pollution, and improve the energy efficiency of our state. No one loses in doing this.
