To: President Donald Trump, The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, Governor Mike Parson, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Son & Father Cry for Justice

A son and father,along with other family members & friends crusade's for the freedom of (Clifford S. Miller) due to his Wrongful Conviction and Illegal Incarceration. Offender, Clifford Miller, has been incarcerated at Crossroads Correctional Center located in Cameron, MO. After being found guilty in 1994 by a jury in, Jackson County, MO.,in Kansas City, MO. For 21years now. This, wrongful conviction, comes from an alleged crime of an assault against a woman in Kansas City, MO., after she left a lounge in 1992, on the night the alleged crime supposed to happen there was no suspect or suspects found only a description of the victim (s) attacker was given to the responding Police Officers of the KCMO Police Department and interviewing Detectives of the victim (s). One year later, the victim of the crime saw (my father) at a different lounge located on 18th Vine in Kansas City, MO. and said that he was the perpetrator of the crime against her that happen a year ago. The KCPD were called and they responded only to identify (my father) and there was no arrest made at that time. A few months later he was indicted by a Grand Jury in Kansas City on the charges he now faces. Although, (my father) maintained his innocence then and now, there was "mistaken identification of him by the victim" and false evidence of the address where the victim was found which came back to him, as that of being his address to where he lived at. This was due an error in the KCPD data base listing the address to (my father) no one with the KCPD nor the State Attorney or his, trial Attorney investigated to whom stayed at this residence where the victim was found. (My father) now has an "affidavit" from the resident whom stayed at the residence at the time the alleged crime occurred, and would like to testify at a trial, that (my father) never stayed at that address, and that no crime occurred at the address and that she only called the police for the victim at that time, since no one ever took time to investigate whom stayed at the resident. The "affiant" was unable to speak with any Authority to be a defense witness on (my father) behalf at his trial. So the Prosecuting Attorney solicited this evidence at trial to help obtain a conviction against (my father). Also used in the State case was false testimony of a State witness, whom was never investigated nor listed in the Discovery of the State case and had no knowledge of the Alleged crime. The State Prosecutor solicited the false Testimony of this State witness, as evidence to the Jury, to help obtain it's conviction over (my father). This, Testimony was damaging at best because it was that he had a (Gray Camaro/Trans AM) that matched the description of the victim given of her attacker the night of the alleged crime occurred. This State witness was lead to believe that she was testifying to a car accident that she was involved in with my (my father); two weeks before the alleged crime occurred. Although the Prosecuting Attorney had it's hand at the time this State witness was testifying a copy of a two page police report accident report from the KCPD which refutted the description of the car (my father) had which was a (Blue Camaro) involved in the accident with this State witness, the State Prosecutor chose not to correct this witness Testimony during Direct Examination and solicited it's as evidence to the Jury to help obtain it's conviction over (my father). The Defense Attorney did not cross-examine or challenge this State witness Testimony about the color of the car that she involved in the accident with (my father). The victim had maintained that the description of her attackers car was a (Gray over Black Trans AM or Camaro. This State witness also submitted an "Affidavit" wanting to Recant her Testimony as she states that it was "false" and that she would like to testify before the Court's once again as to the Truth. Although there was no "Physical Evidence" that linked (my father) to this crime, the State Prosecution rested it's case and conviction of the believility of the victims Testimony as the two previous mentioned evidence was "Unauthenticated" the address and the car accompany with the mistaken identification and (my father) alibi of his whereabouts at the time the alleged crime occurred the States case was weak at best. There was never a thorough and or complete investigation done in this case it was improper at best and all of the KCPD and Detectives involved in handling this case Testified at trial that they did not investigate or collect evidence in the case. (My father) Trial Attorney has also submitted an "Affidavit" taking responsibility that in "hindsight" it was a mistake on his part in handling the case and that it is his firm belief that (my father) is innocent of all the charges against him and that he should get some "Appellate" relief or be Pardon by the Governor. An Investigative Organization has Investigated into (my father) case after his con...

Why is this important?

To help my wrongfully convicted father seek justice
