To: Sauk Prairie School Board

SOS - Save Our Schools

The Sauk Prairie School Board and administrative team have decided to close a school at the end of the 2012-2013 school year. This decision will negatively impact our district for ALL generations to come. Closing a school will put our most fragile population of children into schools that are all ready over crowded. We are petitioning the school board to reverse its decision and keep all schools open. We ask that the school board find budget cuts in other areas, areas that are less detrimental to the well being of our children. We know that the district staff and district community have an unending supply of budget cutting ideas that have never been tapped into. We want to work together as a community and put children's education first. We question the validity of the ever changing reasons for closing, the confusing budget forecasts, and the overly optimistic and highly under investigated class size predictions. We understand that with Wisconsin's unsteady political climate, rash decisions like this are not in our best interests. We ask that the board reverse it's decision immediately and keep all schools open. We ask that each of the schools, when open, provide adequate services for all children; be they poor, wealthy, in town or in the country.

Why is this important?

The decision to close either Tower Rock or Black Hawk school at the end of the 2012-2013 school year will negatively impact all Sauk Prairie children for generations to come.