To: Rep. Debbie Dingell (MI-12), Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI-1), and Sen. Gary Peters (MI-2)

Speaking Peace: part of the solution

We believe that teaching nonviolent communication at every grade level in our schools will prevent the violence that is increasingly prevalent in our society. We ask that you, our government leaders, make this powerful and transformative education mandatory in our nation's schools, beginning at the earliest grades and continuing through graduation from high school.

Why is this important?

I believe that the solution to violence is compassion and connection, which can be taught through the Nonviolent Communication system of Marshall B. Rosenberg, which teaches us to explore our feelings and needs. When we have human needs that are not being met this leads to hurt feelings which, if not understood and accepted, can lead to conflict. I know that through mandatory classes that teach empathy and empathic listening skills, nonviolent solutions that acknowledge feelings, provide acceptance, and satisfy our joint needs can be discovered. I know from personal experience that this form of communication is powerful and transformative - it is an avenue that will lead to peace - personal, national, and global.
