To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Speed Limits

Legislation has become essential to reduce highway speed limits nationwide, and thereby to reduce air pollution, highway accident and death rates, and the ravaging of our environment by commercial interests. We urge the President and all members of the House and Senate to support a nationwide speed limit of 55-miles per hour.

Why is this important?

Our dependence on foreign oil could be eliminated today, at once, if truly desired. We did it once before. A car driven 55 mph uses about 20 percent less gas than at 65 mph, and a whopping 40 percent less than at 75 mph. We could have less pollution, fewer accidents and deaths, lower auto insurance, and a kid-friendly planet. New Arctic and off-shore drilling promises to enrich Big Oil at the cost of more oil-spill contamination and an increasingly toxic world. Give your grandchildren a break. It's time to reduce speed limits.