To: President Donald Trump, The Kansas State House, The Kansas State Senate, Governor Laura Kelly, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Spirituality 101-- Classes

Let's improve a better tomorrow, starting today. Introduce Spirituality 101- into our children's schooling systems.

Why is this important?

My petition would start classes from high school, to college. A single class would enable the student to obeserve themselves, in the mirror. Too many times, have I seen a sucessful-educated person, who has no idea; what life is really about. So I propose we introduce classes in school systems. Having children talk about: character issues, pride, fear, ego etc. Teach our children that: big cars, golf memberships and fancy ties; will not find you complete happiness.

Imagaine the effects on the ecomonoy, in the long-run. Divorces woud go down; crime-rate decreased; TAXES would go down; so much more.

So I move to have a form of classes introduced to our systems, to better improve our children's tomorrow.