To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker
Stabilize climate chaos with living forest protections
Understanding that the mature natural forests of our planet sequesters large amounts of carbon, fosters essential biological diversity, protects water supplies and quality, we the undersigned request our elected officials to enact legislation that these precious forests must not be mined or harvested. Instead we must enlist our greatest minds to study them and develop a path forward to a livable planet for future generations.
Why is this important?
This petition is about recognizing the importance of our natural mature forests in providing a way through climate chaos. We must recognize the value of living forests before they fall to greed and it is too late to grow 100 year-old trees in a snap to protect us! The town I live in is about 37 square miles and a large percentage of this is state forest. We also serve as watershed for most of our adjoining towns. Biomass wood pellet companies are currently de-foresting North Carolina to feed European biomass electricity generation. We do not want Massachusetts to allow its forests to be destroyed for temporary corporate profit.