To: The United States Senate
Stand Against Citizens United
We, the undersigned, urge the Senate to repeal the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling with a constitutional amendment that allows local, state, and federal governments to place common sense limits on campaign contributions. We support political reform that places everyday Americans, not billionaire and corporate donors, at the center of our democracy.
Why is this important?
If we could pick one word to define the 2014 elections it would be: MONEY. And lots of it. An estimated $3.67 billion was spent was spent on the 2014 elections, much of it by Super PACs and outside spending groups endorsed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling.
Every Voice and its partners are working to collect 5 million signatures against Citizens United by its fifth anniversary on January 21. Add your name to this growing movement that puts people back at the heart of our democracy -- not just billionaire donors and special interests!
Every Voice and its partners are working to collect 5 million signatures against Citizens United by its fifth anniversary on January 21. Add your name to this growing movement that puts people back at the heart of our democracy -- not just billionaire donors and special interests!