To: Arizona Voters and Progressive Activists

Be a Rebuild the Dream "First Responder" for Arizona

As Rebuild the Dream "First Responders" for Arizona, we commit to building a network of grassroots “Armchair Activists” to spread the word about state and local efforts to rebuild the American Dream in our state.

We will do this by fighting back against attacks on state budgets, worker’s rights, ethnic studies and immigrants, public employees, healthcare, civil liberties and other such assualts on our freedom and dignity and by fighting for Jobs not Cuts and the other principles our movement stands for.

We will work to make sure every Arizona legislator, member of Congress and elected official knows about the Contract for the American Dream and has been asked to endorse and support its principles:

I. Invest in America's Infrastructure
II. Create 21st Century Energy Jobs
III. Invest in Public Education
IV. Offer Medicare for All
V. Make Work Pay
VI. Secure Social Security
VII. Return to Fairer Tax Rates
VIII. End the Wars and Invest at Home
IX. Tax Wall Street Speculation
X. Strengthen Democracy

Why is this important?

This summer thousands of Americans joined together to launch a movement to rebuild the American Dream.

Here in Arizona, we have our work cut out for us. We have a legislature with skewed priorities.

The sympathies of all but a few of our members of Congress lay with corporations, the Tea Party and the very wealthy. Our Governor and Attorney General are working to cut funds for health care and education while scapegoating immigrants, ethnic studies students and unions for our budget woes.

But thanks to folks like you, heroes of armchair activism, we can spread the word and take a stand by organizing in our communities, towns, and cities to fight back against assaults on workers rights and civil rights and to push for jobs, not cuts in every corner of our state.

Together, we have the opportunity to win on local campaigns and plant the seeds for long-term progressive change.

Sign this petition to join a network of local activists committed to sharing information and spreading the word about actions and efforts that will help us to Rebuild the American Dream in Arizona!
