New Jersey needs to focus on creating jobs, not on giving tax breaks to people making $400,000 per year. Reject Christie’s tax plan and make millionaires & corporations pay their fair share so we can invest in a real NJ comeback.
Why is this important?
Right now Chris Christie is traveling the state promoting his election-year tax plan that gives tax breaks to people making $400,000 a year and will prevent us from creating jobs and giving New Jersey a real recovery.
Three years of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations haven’t brought New Jersey the jobs it desperately needs. And Christie's paid for those tax cuts by slashing investments that would give us a real New Jersey comeback. Another giveaway to people making $400,000 only makes investing in schools, colleges and clean energy even harder.
So far Democratic leaders like Sheila Oliver are standing strong against a bad idea. Tell Speaker Oliver that you’re with her on this one.