To: Harsha Agadi, ceo

Stand up to friendly's restaurant

Tell Friendly Ice Cream Corporation they must compensate their employes for the mass firing and apologize for the way it was done.

Their address is:

1855 Boston Road
Wilbraham, Massachusetts 01095.

Their phones number are:
Phone: 1-800-966-9970 or 413 731 40000

Their fax number is:
413 543 5844.

The web address to contact them is:

Why is this important?

Friendly's Restaurant recently shut down a portion of its stores. They did it in the middle of the night with no notice to its employees. When they came in that morning the doors were locked with no explanation.
Once again the greedy corporations thinks they can do what they want to the struggling middle class.
Organize a protest at one of the still remaining places, call them, or write the ceo a letter and of course boycott them, till, the fairly compensate the employes.