To: Paulette Donnellon, EUSD School Board Trustee, Joan Gardner, EUSD School Board Trustee, Dr. Gary Altenburg, EUSD School Board Trustee, and Zesty Harper, EUSD School Board Trustee

Stand with Jose Fragozo, EUSD Trustee

EUSD Board Trustee, Jose Fragozo has been the target of a campaign to discredit him and prevent him from serving the voters who elected him to office.
On December 2nd, 2015, Escondido Union School District Superintendent Luis Rankins-Ibarra took out a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Jose. As the Union Tribune states "The complaint doesn't list any incidents in which Fragozo specifically threatened violence." (Dec 4, 2015)
However, Jose has repeatedly expressed concern that the district's children, particularly the English Language Learners, were not being served by the district and that he felt the board was not doing its job.He also gave Mr. Ibarra a negative job performance review.
As is often the case when people speak out, the school board majority and administrative staff ignored the content of Jose's message and focused instead on the tone he used when speaking about these important issues.
It is vital that the only Democrat and Latino board member (in a district with 75% Latino students who are not being educated properly according to the recent WestEd report) is supported by our community.

Why is this important?

Jose's response:
“District administrators are desperately attacking me because I have been demanding accountability for our elementary schools and students in Escondido. Our district has one of the lowest test scores in the county, and I was elected to change that.
Voters should be outraged by the use of a 'legal thicket' that is designed to protect the cozy privileges of administrators. As the only elected Latino on the board, I find it astounding that more is not being done to help our students who are English Learners. The only workplace intimidation has been against me for attempting to vigorously promote the interests of students and parents.
Stop the legal maneuverings and stand up for students and parents. Administrators should not have such a thin skin, and they do not need to align themselves with those who want to overturn past elections. Administrators should be encouraging robust discussion at the School Board level, not repressing it. The community and our students deserve more than that.”
Please sign this petition and pass it on. Show Jose and our community that we will not be bullied by administrators and board members with a political agenda!

Read more here:
Restraining Order Offers Glimpse into Escondido School Board Follies
and here:
Escondido board may have violated open meeting law
