To: Fred Conti, Lynn Malerba, Jay Allen, Scott Bates, Timothy Bates, Kathleen Steamer, B Michael Rauh, Lauren Williams, Henry Amdur, Donald Felitto, David Reisfeld, Robert Keltner, Maureen Anderson, Granville Morris, Mary Ellen Jukowski, Lee...

Stand with L+M Nurses and Techs

I stand with the nurses and techs at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital. Nurses and techs are an essential part of a patients care. Nurses and Techs are taking a stand and I am going to stand with them. Please work with the nurses, techs and their union.

Why is this important?

On Saturday Nov. 16th, the contract for at L&M Hospital expired. The nurses and techs have filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board and will be going on a 5 day strike, starting Wed. Nov 27th.

These nurses and techs, represented by AFT Local 5049 and 5051, have provided quality care for thousands of patients, and have worked tirelessly ensuring L&M Hospital is the place where families can get the care they deserve, and when they need it.

In return, the management of Lawrence + Memorial is transferring positions covered by collective bargaining agreements to newly created L&M owned-and-operated entities with no union representation. This is a blatant legal maneuver designed to avoid providing the wage rates and health insurance agreed to in existing union contracts.

All the while, L&M has built enormous cash reserves and over $250 million in assets. Compensation for Executives has grown to well over 4 million dollars a year. These underhanded legal maneuvers and high salaries sound more like Wal-Mart than a community hospital.

The hospital has hired paid strikebreakers. They’re investing resources to stand up to the nurses and techs, rather than work to make sure the contract is settled.

This is not acceptable. Take a moment to stand up for the nurses and techs at L&M.

