To: Chicago Board of Education

Stand with Logan Square families: Tell the Chicago Board of Education NOT to turn Ames Middle Sch...

Chicago Board of Education: Logan Square families do not want Ames Middle School turned into a military academy. Parents should have a say in their children's education—and elected officials should listen to their communities.

Why is this important?

On October 29th, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Roberto Maldonado (26th ward) announced that Logan Square's Ames Middle School is going to become a military academy -- despite more than a year of local parents' protests.

Elected officials failed to talk to parents of Ames about the plan, then ignored the families who have spoken out against this takeover. 87% of families surveyed in the Ames community said they did not want a military high school.

If the takeover goes through, children at Ames will have a military curriculum, elevating military programs at the expense of extracurriculars like music, sports, and art.

But there's still time to reverse this decision -- it has to be approved by the Chicago Board of Education. Add your name now to support families in Logan Square who do not want Ames to become a military academy.
