To: Governor Tom Wolf

Stand with Philly Teachers

I stand in solidarity with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers and condemn Gov. Corbett's School Reform Commission. Cancelling the teachers' contract shows how much Philadelphians need to control our OWN schools.

Why is this important?

Philadelphia's School Reform Commission cancelled its teachers' contract with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, with no warning, in a unanimous vote cast on Monday.

I thought back to the time last April when I got the call: my 6 year-old daughter was having an asthma attack. “Take her to the nurse!” I told them, “the nurse has her inhaler.”

“There is no nurse today, and it’s locked in her office. Only she has the key.”


“We don’t have a nurse on Tuesdays or Thursdays.”

The reason there are no nurses in my daughter’s school two days a week is because of the School Reform Commission, run by Tom Corbett, that has taken away funds from nurses, libraries, and other activities that our children need and deserve. The teachers shouldn't have to pay for his bad deeds. We should be taxing frackers instead of fracking with teachers. We need to get the SRC out and take back control of Philly’s schools for our community.
