Congress and the Administration should abolish the federal death penalty.
Why is this important?
Pope Francis raised many issues and concerns in his address to Congress. But he made one specific demand: global abolition of the death penalty.
The fact that the U.S. maintains the death penalty is a huge obstacle to global abolition. China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt can hide behind the U.S.: why shouldn't we have the death penalty? The U.S. has it.
The fact that the federal government maintains the death penalty is a big obstacle to state abolition. Why shouldn't we have it, Texas can say. The federal government has it.
Conservative columnist George Will has said it's time for the U.S. to quit the death penalty. Many Republican Members of Congress agree. Let's force the issue now, while the Pope's speech to Congress is still fresh in public memory.
Urge Congress and President Obama to stand with Pope Francis to abolish the death penalty, by signing our petition.