To: Dave Berg, American Crystal Sugar CEO

Stand With Sugar Workers

Sugar workers have always stood shoulder to shoulder with American Crystal Sugar and growers to protect and advance the sugar industry. They worked hard for the sugar program, farm bill, and stood up against the North American Free Trade Agreement and many other unfair trade agreements that hurt the sugar beet industry.

Together, the workers, company and farmers have built the local economy, supported families, and helped communities flourish.

We respectfully urge you to reconsider your take-back plans and let your union workers stay on the job.

Why is this important?

For generations, the sugar beet industry has been the lifeblood of Northwest Minnesota’s Red River Valley.

Sugar workers have always stood shoulder to shoulder with American Crystal Sugar and farmers to protect and advance the sugar industry.

Together, the workers, company and growers have helped to build the local economy, support families, and made communities flourish. Now, American Crystal has put all of this in jeopardy by locking out workers.

Sign our petition telling CEO Dave Berg: Don’t turn your back on the community!

