To: President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Standardized Future

Stop shortchanging our kids' education. Eliminate standardized testing for all of our future.

Why is this important?

The standardized testing, also known now as STAAR (formerly TAKS) is making a real education seem out of reach. Our kids are memorizing instead of being taught how to problem solve, and figure out problems on their own. I blame this on our cultures' need to have everything in one click. We should be investing in our kids' education not creating shortcuts for an exemplary status or extra funding. Schools used to be a place for education. Now it seems more like a business. My kids are in the 3rd and 4th grade doing algebra and geometry!! I did this in highschool. They are too young, and there is too much preasure to pass this test. Even teachers are at risk of termination due to poor testing results. Other countries got their education system from the U.S. before all this standadrized mess, and now they are all ahead of the U.S. in education. Bring back the real education that gives our children the right tools, values, and morals for the future, not a shortcut version that creates standardized dummies.
