To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Standing our Ground Against Stand Your Ground

Stop amending a law that is not making us safer here in Florida. Too many innocent people are dying because of this law and as Rep. Ken Gottlieb (D-Hollywood) said in 2005 "In a few years, you will be back trying to fix this bill,". Well its time to stop trying to fix it and time to abolish it so that the people not only living here are safer but for those who visit here as well.

Why is this important?

Though Florida already has laws on the books for cases of self-defense, Stand Your Ground went further to remove a person's duty to retreat from an assailant and reaffirmed the use of deadly force in any place the person has a right to be. It was the first law to extend the right to self-defense to firing weapons in public places and since then there has been at least 16 KNOWN cases where someone was injured or murdered with no convictions(Not including Trayvon Martin). Florida is not safer and it needs not to be amended but abolished. We are going to stand our ground and get this changed!
