To: The New Jersey State House and The New Jersey State Senate

State Board Examination requirenment for Fitness Professionals

"Lets make it safe for people to exercise ,by requiring those they hire be qualified"

Why is this important?

My petition is to get a law requiring anybody who works in or states to have expertise in the Fitness industry to pass a NJ State board test ,before being allowed to train or charge anyone for services.
Right now the person who cuts your hair has more oversight than the one who trains,your wife , husband, girlfriend boyfriend or children.
We need to make certain that those who are payed money in the Fitness Industry because they are percieved to be experts actually know what they are doing. This bill would take the guess work out of hiring for the consumer and bring more confidence to the Industry ,while weeding out dangerous unqualified trainers. My bill would require anyone teaching or making money off the sales of Fitness training to take a NJ state Board test, This would test thier profeciencies in the areas of basic human Anatomy& Physiology required in the Industry as well as ,basic First Aid,Exercise Science and Nutrtion. There would be two parts to the test 1 hour written and 45 minute Practical ,demonstrating a knowlege proper program design proper program excution, and basic fitness assesment skills. The cost of testing could either be a Direct fee,or an add on fee for when people sign on to certification courses,as condition that those certification Organizations would be allowed to either operate or collect money from NJ residents they would be charged a modest fee that would have a cap of what they could add on to the cost of their Trainer Education courses.
As a result of these new rules and regulations we not only get rid of bad trainers,but also bad training courses that take money from those wanting to be Fitness Professionals' and teach them nothing.
Test fees should stay under $250 to remain reasonable.
The reason I am proposing this is I have been in the Fitness Industry for over 14 years and have seen the horrors of bad training.,One company that I worked was soo bad that a District manager almost put a women in the hospital ,who had MS!,
