To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

state by state public banking

establish public banks, state by state....these banks will refinance all consumer debt......mortgages, education, auto......all interest paid on these loans will be paid to the state, IN LIEU OF TAXES......ALL TAXES.....state, federal, local.....a typical american family pays 50% of its monthly income, as interest, to PRIVATE bankers....this money will now be as revenue by the states.....

Why is this important?

establish public banks, state by state....these banks will refinance all consumer debt......mortgages, education, auto......all interest paid on these loans will be paid to the state, IN LIEU OF TAXES......ALL TAXES.....state, federal, local.....a typical american family pays 50% of its monthly income, as interest, to PRIVATE bankers....this money will now be as revenue by the states
