To: Governor Roy Cooper
State Disability, Why does North Carolina not have it?
The state of North Carolina shall require employee's and employer's to contribute 1% each of the gross income and payroll to the State Treasurer to be held in a secure trust in perpetuity for claims of disability. State shall anminister the trust to those individuals that can no longer work because of illness or injury by certified Doctor of Medicine. Claims can only be applied for after 14 calender days of lost work and will be retro-active to the 8th calender day of missed work. Payments will be made for a period of 26 weeks with a medical review every 2 weeks. Payments with not exceed 66% of the employees gross wages by weekly earnings or quarterl,y begining 6 months prior to the disabilty to 18 months prior to disability. Employers will be required to offer work to the affected employee when disability is terminated or attending Physician certifies the employee is able to return to work. In a term of less than 30 calender days, the employer is requird to return employee to the same job title, statis, and pay. After 30 calender days the employer is only required to offer employment at a posistion that would be of not less than 67% of previous wages and with reinstatement of all benifits and status.
Why is this important?
If a lower middle income family has a wage earner that is injured or ill for more than 2 weeks they can lose there home and credit because of lack of income. Many other states offer employee, employer contributions to fund a stop gap for several months to secure middle class and lower middle class familys from losing what they have worked for over many years.