To: Governor Gavin Newsom

State of California: Strictly enforce ivory ban law!

Every fifteen minutes, poachers kill one African Elephant for its tusks to be sold as ivory. That is about 100 African Elephants each day. And to make matters worse, California is the second biggest buyer of ivory in the United States. New York is the first, but they are passing stricter laws enforcing the prohibition of ivory. Demand that California makes these same changes to help save African Elephants, who will be extinct in a few decades if nothing changes!

Why is this important?

Elephants are one of the most incredible creatures. They, like humans, remember the deaths of their family members and are extremely traumatized by it. We must stop this atrocity from occurring each day! We must save the African Elephants from inevitable extinction! As citizens of humanity, it is our job to carry out our function on earth: to be humane.

Not only this, but the money earned from selling ivory goes to support terrorist organizations. Basically, the State of California is helping terrorism by standing by and doing nothing to enforce the already existing ban on ivory. So, we must bring attention to this issue, and pressure the governor of California to enforce the law! Once California strictly prohibits the selling of ivory, then the poachers won't earn as much money for ivory because there isn't a market for it. Once this occurs, elephant deaths will hopefully decrease! Support this effort to help African elephants by signing my petition.
