To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

State Sanctioned Forced Birth is Torture.

Stop the Torture of an American 16 year old girl by Nebraska's State Sanctioned Forced Birth Court Ruling.

Why is this important?

Nebraska State Mandated Forced Birth is Torture and a Violation of an American citizen's birthright to basic human rights and dignity.

According to Juan E. Mendez in his Special Report on Torture and other cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment to the United Nations dated February 1st 2013, "The denial of abortion is torture".

At the time when this 16 year old young requested that her pregnancy be terminated she openly stated that she did not believe herself to be adequately prepared to care for a child at this time in her life ~ she was four weeks pregnant. The Court in it's ruling agreed with her that as a "child" and the ward of the State of Nebraska, she was too young to make her decision, yet the very same court forces her to BE a MOTHER to a child that will also become a WARD of the State of Nebraska. Today she is 4 months pregnant and basically being Tortured to become a mother.

That is TORTURE.

The principles of FREEDOM is BUILD on the four corners of this Nation's ethical belief, and founding principles that a basic human birthright is AUTONOMY and FREEDOM.

We, as American citizens cannot allow this ruling to stand - for if we do- we become complicit in the erosions of our own basic rights to freedom and autonomy.

I started this petition to speak up and stand against the STATE MANDATED erosion of every American's right to Freedom and Autonomy. This AMERICAN girl should have the RIGHT to DECIDE what SHE WANTS to DO with her BODY after she was "abused and neglected" by her parents and now being RE-VICTIMIZED and TORTURED by the STATE of NEBRASKA.

Please sign this petition and stand up with me. Thank you in advance for all your consideration in this matter.