To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Statue of limitations on child sexual abuse

End the statue of limitation on child sexual a user

Why is this important?

My son was sexually abused when he was eight years old by a sitters son, he dealt with guilt and shame for 10 years but said nothing about this until he was contemplating suicide at the age of eighteen. By the time my son had the courage to tell what had happened to him,the statue of limitation had run out and he could not prosecute the person who did this. My son was robbed of his innocence and his childhood was destroyed, today he still has a hard time living a normal life. No child should have to endure what he did but even worse then this the person who did this should not get away with what he did. Please support this petition, it might be too late for my son but may help another child going forward.
