To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Steven M Overstreet

Stop Pain Clinics from cutting and taking away chronically ill patients' pain medicines and put our health back in the hands of our Doctors!!

Why is this important?

I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, an unbearable disease, and know thousands more like me through Facebook support groups are having our meds cut and taken away! We are one disease; so many chronically ill patients and people coming home from surgeries are suffering also and our doctors don't like it! Stop these Pain Clinics from causing so much harm and causing more deaths and suicides by cutting and taking away our medicines and just watching us, the chronically ill, go through excruciating, unbearable pain!! Return our health care back in the hands of caring personal Physicians! Please sign and share this petition so we can stop the pain and return to our functional lives, thank you...
