To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, Governor Charlie Baker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

STOP 2/3 reduction social security for state employees.

People who worked in private industry and have earned social security will receive it. The same person worked for the Commonwealth and have earned their pension; they will receive it.
Their social security will be unfairly reduced by 2/3 when receiving the state pension. Both are earned, both are entitlements.

Why is this important?

John Doe has worked 1/2 his life under SS and is entitled to an SS pension.
The same John Doe has worked for the Commonwealth of Mass 1/2 his life and is entitled to a state pension.
His Social Security, that he earned, will be reduced by 2/3 because he will receive a state pension that he earned.
He should get 100% of what he is entitled to, BOTH SS and state pension.
This is not double dipping, this is the way it should be.
If you are in agreement, please sign and share.