To: Governor Raimondo and Mayor Grebien

Stop $3.6 Million in Tax Credits to Pawtucket Slumlord

We urge Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo and Pawtucket Mayor Donald Grebien to withdraw their support to provide $3.6 Million in tax credits to slumlord Lance Robbins.

Why is this important?

This petition is needed because Pawtucket has been through enough with the PawSox fiasco and the closure of the Memorial Hospital Birthing Center and ICU. Why is it always Pawtucket that gets abused? From Larry Lucchino(PawSox) to Dennis Keefe(Memorial hospital) to this slumlord, Pawtucket lacks any sort of defense against the governor and state house leaders allowing wealthy individuals to come in and ravage our local economy and suck every last dime out of our struggling community.