To: The United States Senate

Stop a Dangerous Chemical Law

As your constituent, I write to urge you to oppose the recent legislation, proposed by Sens. Udall and Vitter, to "reform" the Toxic Substances Control Act.

This Senate bill, as currently drafted, fails to adequately address major problems in U.S. federal policy and in some ways represents a giant step backward by restricting state laws that have proven effective in protecting American children and families from toxic chemicals.

Under the proposed legislation, Americans could also continue to be at risk from chemicals like flame retardants, formaldehyde in flooring, asbestos in dozens of products, and thousands of other chemicals that contaminate our air, water, food and everyday products.

Please reject the Udall-Vitter bill on chemical safety.

Why is this important?

Recently the chemical industry got exactly what it wanted—again. A new Senate bill was introduced that would not only fail to protect us from dangerous chemicals but also restrain state governments from taking action.

Together, we can fight back against business as usual. We must reject the chemical industry’s reprehensible approach and strengthen protections against toxic chemicals.

Chemical companies have spent millions lobbying for a free pass to continue putting Americans at risk from chemicals like flame retardants, formaldehyde in flooring, asbestos in dozens of products, and thousands of other chemicals that contaminate our air, water, food, and everyday products.

We need you to voice your opposition now to a proposed chemical policy bill introduced by Senators David Vitter and Tom Udall that would leave dangerous holes in our toxic chemical laws.