To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker
Stop abuse in the workplace
Please pass the Massachusetts Healthy Workplace Act now.
Why is this important?
According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, women bosses abuse female employees about 80% of the time. I am an older Black woman and one of over 25 Black & Hispanic female victims terminated as a result of workplace bullying by a Black female executive over the past 10 years. Like Domestic Violence - a crime in the home, workplace bullying is about power and control and is a crime in the workplace. It is not a private employer/employee problem. If their behavior is not stopped, school yard bullies grow up to be batterers and workplace bullies. If the bully is the boss, abuse in the workplace becomes the unhealthy norm, negatively impacting the bottom line. We're calling on Governor Deval Patrick and Massachusetts state legislatures to pass the Healthy Workplace Act now.