To: Cari Thomas, Mayor, James Hart, Adelanto City Manager, Charles Valvo, City Council Member, Edgar Camargo, City Council Member, Steven Baisden, Mayor Pro Tem; City Council Member, and Mark de Manincor, Senior Planner

STOP Adelanto’s New Prison!

Adelanto doesn't need another jail, and LA county is not requesting it! It is irresponsible to build another jail in Adelanto. I am requesting you cancel the vote scheduled for November 19th, and stop all plans for the new jail! Thank you.

Why is this important?

The city of Adelanto is already home to the High Desert's Prison Industrial Complex. Within the small city that is Adelanto, there are 4 jail facilities with over 9,325 cages in total. Yet somehow, the City is looking to expand....

Adelanto plans to rush approval for a 3,264-cage jail project on Wednesday, November 19th. A vote that has not received adequate public input or consideration and is to be held before the new city council members take their positions!

Records have reported that crime rates are at their lowest and Proposition 47 is expected to reduce the prison population in CA. Is there really a need for new prisons when crime rates are down and prisons will be significantly reduced? NO!

Instead the project is a product of the interest of the biggest for profit corrections agency, the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). Their developer Buck Johns is the main individual trying to push this new prison onto the city disguised as a request of LA County, which is far from it. LA County is not requesting a new prison.

Adelanto needs to end with the shady deals. We demand more transperency amongst the City and better educational and economic opportunities, not more jails or Prisons! Enough is Enough! YA BASTA!