To: ADT Security Company,

Stop ADT From Charging Stiff Penalties

Stop ADT from imposing huge penalties for people who can no longer pay the monthly fee or for those who must legitimately cancel services.

Why is this important?

About a year and a half ago I signed a contract with ADT to protect my daughter's house after she had the door knocked down and intruders came in to take her belongings. I signed a three year contract to pay $45 a month plus I paid them over $200 up front to install the electronic equipment. The house my daughter was renting has now been forclosed on and she can no longer live there. She has moved in with me. I do not want the equipment, I have several large dogs. Now I am being forced to pay two more payments of $45 and a $750 penalty. I feel this is totally unfair and amounts to poor and middle class people being disadvantaged.