50 signatures reached
To: Dan Snyder, Owner, Washington NFL Team, Roger Goodell, Commissioner, National Football League, and Jeff Bezos, owner, Washington Post
Stop All Media Coverage of the Washington NFL Football Team
We call on the Washington Post, Washington DC TV stations and all media to stop covering the Washington Red***** NFL football team, to end reporting on its games, scores, prospects, etc. Shrink the team’s value and Dan Snyder’s income.
Why is this important?
On June 18, 2014 the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office cancelled the trademark for the Washington Redskins, ruling the name is “disparaging to Native Americans”. It’s just another sign that the public is realizing that the “R” word is as racist as the “N” word. The word is never used by Native Americans to speak about each other, but as a slur for others to mock them. It is derived from the days when bounty hunters took part in Indian extermination and when they were paid for every “redskin” or scalp they could bring in.
The owner of the team, Dan Snyder, is on record as saying he will “never” change the team name. The NFL Commissioner has not taken action to remove the team ownership from Snyder. This is in contrast to the actions of the NBA which is taking strong action against a team owner for merely a personal and private expression of prejudice.
The situation is intolerable. It is inconceivable that African-Americans, Jews or any group that suffered massive intolerance and violence would in 21st century be openly ridiculed as being a mascot.
If moral appeals to Dan Snyder don't work we should try to affect him by reducing the size of his pocketbook.
The owner of the team, Dan Snyder, is on record as saying he will “never” change the team name. The NFL Commissioner has not taken action to remove the team ownership from Snyder. This is in contrast to the actions of the NBA which is taking strong action against a team owner for merely a personal and private expression of prejudice.
The situation is intolerable. It is inconceivable that African-Americans, Jews or any group that suffered massive intolerance and violence would in 21st century be openly ridiculed as being a mascot.
If moral appeals to Dan Snyder don't work we should try to affect him by reducing the size of his pocketbook.