To: Cardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop of New York
Stop America's top Catholic bishop from endorsing Paul Ryan
Cardinal Dolan, please don't appear at the Values Voters Summit with vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan. Your sacred office shouldn't be used as a vehicle to promote political candidates or immoral budget policies.
Why is this important?
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop of New York, is listed prominently among the invited speakers being used to promote the Values Voters Summit, at which Ryan and a host of other Republican politicians and far-right figures will appear.
The bishops have condemned the Ryan budget as inconsistent with Catholic teaching, because of its "unacceptable cuts" to "essential programs that serve poor and vulnerable people." So why would Cardinal Dolan even consider appearing with Ryan during the campaign season?
It's not too late for Cardinal Dolan, who recently called Ryan a "great public servant," to publicly refuse this invitation and make it clear that he is not in the business of partisan politics. But he needs to hear from us immediately.
Sign our petition: Cardinal Dolan, stay away from Paul Ryan and the Values Voters Summit.
The bishops have condemned the Ryan budget as inconsistent with Catholic teaching, because of its "unacceptable cuts" to "essential programs that serve poor and vulnerable people." So why would Cardinal Dolan even consider appearing with Ryan during the campaign season?
It's not too late for Cardinal Dolan, who recently called Ryan a "great public servant," to publicly refuse this invitation and make it clear that he is not in the business of partisan politics. But he needs to hear from us immediately.
Sign our petition: Cardinal Dolan, stay away from Paul Ryan and the Values Voters Summit.