To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf
Stop bad charter legislation in PA - stop SB 1085!
Oppose SB 1085. There are too many problems with it! Please oppose private authorizers for charter schools & support reasonable enrollment agreements - not unlimited enrollment provisions – communities must have say over the education systems that they are responsible for paying for.
Why is this important?
This bill would further damage school funding in PA. This bill creates a private authorizer system and it allows some charters to escape local oversight through consolidation. Higher education institutions would be able to decide to approve a charter school and communities would still be responsible for paying for them - so taxpayers would have all of the responsibility and none of the say. The state would oversee consolidated charters, but state enforcement has been weak. It also eliminates reasonable enrollment limits, which allow communities to plan and determine how best to meet their community's educational needs and how tax dollars will be used! Oppose SB 1085 today!