To: Christopher S. Ripley, CEO of Sinclair Broadcasting Group

STOP Bill O'Reilly's being brought back to television by Sinclair Broadcasting Corporation

We urge you to drop your plans to bring Bill O'Reilly back to television. He does NOT deserve to be placed back into a position of power from which he can continue sexually harassing women. Enough is enough !

Why is this important?

It does not seem like main stream Corporate America is taking the issue of sexual harassment seriously, as evidenced by Sinclair Broadcasting Group's considering putting Bill O'Reilly in a position of power, from which he can once again sexually harass women.

It is obvious that Bill O'Reilly does NOT take personal responsibility for his actions, given his recently aired statement in which he blames God for his problems. He shows absolutely NO remorse!!!
It is time for American citizens to have a place to register their outrage at the continued harassment/abuse of women,


Me Too
