To: Muhtar Kent, CEO, Coca Cola Company, Richard Anderson, CEO, Delta, Chris Salgardo, CEO, Kiehl's Since 1851, Carlos Brito, CEO, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Arne Sorenson, CEO, Marriot, and Reed Hastings, CEO, Netflix

Stop Bisexual Erasure at NYC LGBT Pride

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Heritage of Pride, the organizer of NYC LGBT Pride, damaged bisexual people by naming a lesbian, a gay man, and a transgender woman to "represent the LGBT community" at this year's event.

Then instead of responding to the bi community regarding our concerns, on May 5th @NYCPride re-tweeted a joke about NYC Pride and LA Pride performer, Demi Lovato, saying she was “bi…coastal”. This is more than bi erasive, it is corrosive considering that Demi Lovato has never identified herself as bisexual, she’s just said she’s a woman who’s experienced the same disparities bi people report experiencing like higher rates of suicide and sexual violence than our gay and straight counterparts.

Even worse, NYC Pride was co-founded by a bisexual woman, Brenda Howard who has also been erased by Heritage of Pride organizers.

Heritage of Pride NYC LGBT Pride 2014 sponsors include Coca-Cola, Delta, Kiehl's Since 1851, Anheuser Busch InBev, Marriot, and Netflix.

We ask these sponsors demand Heritage of Pride rectify this issue by appointing a Grand Marshal to represent "the B in LGBT". We also call for Heritage of Pride to implement regular bisexual awareness trainings from BiNet USA as part of standard training for its staff so that it stops promoting bi erasure and biphobia.

Why is this important?

As the president of BiNet USA, I work to advocate for bisexual people in America. As a friend of Larry Nelson, Brenda Howard’s surviving companion, I am deeply upset over the mistreatment of her legacy (Brenda passed from cancer in 2005). As a bi woman who has battled suicidality and survived sexual assault, I too represent the resiliency of the bisexual spirit in the face of poorer health and safety than our gay and straight counterparts.