To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

stop blaming guns

Dear Congress in light of 12/14/12 mass killing in CT many people will cry out for stricter gun control laws. Criminals, evil minded individuals do not follow laws. Has any of the laws against drugs stop illegal drug use or distribution. Has DUI laws stopped people from drinking and driving. Gun Control is in itself an oxymoron. I don't own a gun myself yet as a citizen of the U.S. and can trace my heritage to before the revolutionary war I am a firm believer of the 2nd amendment. Don't act like my local news station KRON 4 and ask for peoples options on gun control and say the majority of people want it when in fact anyone's comment against gun control was deleted. How do I know this because I left a comment and they deleted it, so I left it again they deleted it and blocked me. They also deleted other comments left by others not in support of Gun Control. Please don't use the tragedy at the elementary school be used for political gain. Laws didn't stop Tim McVeigh in Oklahoma who never fired a single gun yet killed 168 people. Realize evil exist in the world and when it attacks it better to be prepared then hide our heads behind useless laws that it won't obey anyways.

Why is this important?

Evil exist in the world laws will not stop it