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To: King George School Board and King George Board of Supervisors

Stop Book Bans in King George County

The current push for book bans is the strongest that it’s been in decades, with attempts to stop students from learning about the Holocaust, slavery, gender and sexuality, and more. Early last year, a member of King George County (who does not have children in KG schools) submitted a list of books copy and pasted from a right-wing group that advocates banning books.  

Why is this important?

Nobody should be making decisions for parents on what their children can and cannot read. Currently, the KGMS library has a "sexually explicit" section which includes titles such as "Romeo & Juliet" and "Anne Frank's Diary". It is clear the intent is not to protect children but censor their access to themes and ideas they don't agree with.

If you want to let the King George School Board and King George Board of Supervisors know that you don't agree with letting other people decide what your child may or may not read, please sign the petition below. 



2024-08-21 14:40:09 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-02 13:35:41 -0400

10 signatures reached