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To: Cable companies in the United States and the FCC, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Cable Companies From Holding Us Hostage

We all are being held hostage by our local cable companies and the FCC. We have to rent their equipment, pay large monthly bills which only keep going up and are not allowed to purchase DVR boxes or modems that will be compatible with the services that they offer. We need to roll back the FCC's decision to take over the airwaves and put the television channel decisions in the hands of the cable companies. Please sign this petition so that we all can once again afford to own a television set, have an internet connection and telephone service without having to pay upwards of $150.00 per month.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition because our cable companies are charging way too much money for us to be able to watch our television programs, have access to the internet and have phone service. Many of us are on a fixed income and cannot afford the rates these companies are charging....and the rates only keep going up. This needs to change and return to the way it was before the FCC ruled that we would have to have a cable box in order to have access to television channels that previously were free through a VCR.



2022-05-30 00:41:24 -0400

50 signatures reached