To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Cash seizures

Take back your constitutional rights by stopping the seizure of assets under the pretext of drug laws. The seizure of regular citizens funds under the guise of drug seizures has become an industry of government in seizing cash and property without probable cause. Even if the money or asset was never involved in a crime the citizens regularly lose the asset or cash. It has become too difficult for citizens to fight seizures either because the amount seized is too little to pay an attorney or they seize all assets and cash so the citizen cannot afford an attorney. Property and assets do not get a public defender and the cash or asset is always the named defendant. The abuse of these laws needs to be stopped.

Why is this important?

I am a civil rights attorney who is tired of hearing all the horror stories of cash and asset seizures for the sole purpose of obtaining cash for cities and counties coffers to buy more police and military equipment to seize more assets to hire more militarized police forces to seize more cash and assets to buy more ...
