Stop the CDCR use of the security threat group (STG) program in its entirety.
Why is this important?
CDCR (CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation) has launched a STG (Security Threat Group) program to be codified into the Title 15. It allows, among many things, long term indefinite isolation of inmates at great expense to the State. It lays the foundation for no one to be allowed out of SHU (Security Housing Unit) and into a SDP (Step Down Program) without agreeing, before entering, the SDP to snitch on others for the CDCR, while in SDP, at great risk to their families and their own safety. You can not simply disavow yourself of gang activity and work toward rehabilitation goals. You must agree to be a confidential informant. It also has a broad brush struck of who can be labeled an STG. It can done on a "suspicion" by a guard, with no proof. There are ways beside the use of SHU's to isolate active gang members from general population without the expense and inhumane treatment of SHU's.