To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Charging Poor People for Being Poor

Let's make it illegal for banks and credit unions to charge patrons for a minimum balance and monthly maintenance fees.

Why is this important?

Why is it that having less than a certain balance in your bank account means you get charged? Why is it that the less money you have, the more you get charged for not having much money? It seems wrong to me. If nothing else, just from the simple logical perspective, one should not be expected to pay money in order to keep their money in the bank if doing so will "break the bank" so to speak. I've been in this position many times. It is unjust. It simply keeps poor people poor and does not afford anyone in this position the opportunity to save money and change their financial situation. It also encourages people to keep what little money they have out of banks and credit unions altogether in order to be able to use all of it rather than losing $10 a month to maintenance fees (which is a great deal when one has less than $200 in the bank). Keeping cash on hand is also less secure because of the possibility of loss through accident, fire and flood, and theft.
