To: NC Veterans Administration

stop cheating vets out of benifits at va hospitols

Help vets get the proper treatments and honest rating they deserve. This is a fixed fight and it is time for it to end and justice be served. The VA doctors needs to write the truth and give sincere treatment to the patients.

Why is this important?

The VA doctors down play and sometimes intentionally and negligently overlook serious conditions.A church member was treated for bronchitis for months then found out she had cancer and was giving six months to live. My doctor writes that patient is doing better when I keep telling him the stuff is not working and my stomach hurts everyday. Can't get another doctor though I have officially filed complaints twice and talked about it more than that with the patients advocate. He writes false reports to make it appear that his treatment is working. I have to tell him to send me to a specialist. The last time he sent me to a another Va doctor who claim to have found nothing when I know for a fact that he over looked some things and failed to mention them in his report. Many has claimed and stated that the NC veteran administration is racially bias in their decision and claims process. The facts of what percentages are approved by race and how long the process took will speak for itself.
