To: President Donald Trump, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Tim Walz, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop chemical harassment in Montgomery County, MD

Michele Bachmann mentioned that the terrorism will be different this time and she is right, this terrorist act has to do with the discovery of the pathway from the lungs to all parts of the body.
The woman's private parts and sexual organs are attacked,
chemicals are turning into weapons. Please, get together with other states and do a proper Investigation despite the blocks in this County.these

Why is this important?

This chemical Harassment is in the form of toxic fumes which attacks the respiratory system to all parts of the body. These fumes are conducted to any part that is medically disabled or healthy. These experiments are escalating continuously plus the networking is expanding at a fast rate. The locals and authorities here in this county is doing everything to block a proper investigation. Push past their barriers and do a proper Investigation and stop this terrorism act.